WITHOUT A STATE (An April 2024 Production)
Performed by: Bambelela Arts Ensemble
Writer/Director: Nelson Mapako
The Play “Without a State”, tackles the root causes and
effects of being stateless. It asks questions about “THOUSANDS LIVING ON THE
MARGINS DUE TO STATELESSNESS IN ZIMBABWE”. It calls for an immediate address of
this scenario. The play fuses several theatre genres and techniques while
tackling sensitive issues that people find difficult to talk about.
Phiri is a descended of a migrant Labourer who worked in the
mines of the country before independence. His wife Sethi is a daughter of a
deceased family which was murdered during the Gukurahundi massacres in
Matabeleland region in 1983. The two don’t have any form of identification
documents and now they find themselves facing a mammoth task to acquire a birth
certificate for their daughter.
It is estimated that in Zimbabwe 300 000 people are
stateless. This is as a result of a variety of reasons. These ranges from being
unregistered migrant workers, being descendants of such, being born by parents
who don’t have proper identification documentation and other citizenship laws
which are discriminatory in nature as well as lack of will power by those in
The play is inspired by a report by Amnesty International, Zimbabwe statelessness report “WE ARE
Phiri (A descendent of an immigrant worker)
Sethi (Phiri’s wife)
Officer (Registrar office)
Other characters.
Head of State
Police Officer
Running Time: 55 minutes to 60 minutes
The Rehearsals in Pictures
The play has been performed at:
1. The Holiday Inn Hotel, Bulawayo
2. Isilwane Youth centre, Bulawayo
3. Magwegwe Youth Centre, Bulawayo
4. Mpopoma Youth Centre, Bulawayo
5. Matshobana Youth Centre, Bulawayo
6. Amnesty International Zimbabwe, AGM Harare 2024.
7.. Bulawayo Theatre, 2024
Performances in Pictures
Press review links
1. The Theatre Times
2. The Standard
3. The Newsday
Without A State Technical
Rider |
Director/Writer: Nelson Mapako Producer: Witness Tavarwisa Performed
By: Bambelela Arts Ensemble Cast: Leonard
Phiri Nomvelo Bhehane Josphat Ndlovu Bongelani Ncube |
Production Manager: Khumbulani Mathe
English/ Can be performed in
Ndebele as well. Duration:
60minutes Rating: (Suitable
for all audience) |
1. STAGE: Black Box. Backdrop can be of bricks. Depth:
5m to 8m, Length 10m to 12m, Wings on both sides of the stage. (The play can
still be performed on any stage.) 2.
SOUND: None 4.
Props: 2 Benches with back rests, each about
1,5m to 2metres long. 3 flag poles about two meters each on which
to hoist flags. 1 Backpack chemical
spray. (Used for pests in Agriculture). 1 Anti-riot police
shield. 1 Gun replica
(Preferable replica of an AK47) 5. Lights: General wash lighting is required. Dim, Special focused spots and Red wash. Cues will be worked out with a Lighting Technician/Console Operator provided for the duration of the production. |